I am, apparently, an A class all around nerd. I am, I admit to it and I embrace it. Yes, I do read at football games I really don’t pay attention to which team has the ball or who has just scored. I have friends who care for that and they also point out that only nerds read at football games. BUT, I do have a very good reason- it’s my favorite book. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is my ultimate favorite! Well, besides memoirs and anything that Virginia Woolf has ever written and anything that relates to ancient Egyptian culture or literature. But I do believe that those are in two completely different categories, just so you know, this is an exception. Plus I wanted to re-read everything that relates to my novel so I will be able to make an educated relation when I begin to write query letters for my novel. (Basically, I don’t want to come off as one of those complete pompous idiots that think their work is supreme to all and either they don’t want to relate it to anything or they think theirs is too good. Mine isn’t and I know that; it isn’t supposed to be. I’m young and I’m learning. That’s all part of the process.)
Basically I really don’t know why I’m ranting. I should be working. This entails editing the novel, so it’s somewhat presentable and there is so much that is missing from the first draft. But, as I have previously stated, it’s a learning process. I’m new and I like that. I embrace it. BUT, I will not be trampled on because of it. By this, I mean, be nice and open minded, but don’t let some asshole come and piss on your parade and then call on a hurricane and then constantly smite you. That would be very bad for you and your project. When you’re new you are the only one that can stand up for your work- and you need to if you truly believe in it. You will, eventually, find someone who cares about your work and thinks it’s special and wants to be its aunt or uncle or something.
In saying all of this, to all the nerds: EMBRACE IT! We’re going to be the one’s signing their paychecks! (I got that from a Google image of Urkel from Family Matters that my sister printed off for school.)
After all of this- after I’d gotten home and went outside to work on the chapbook and I had come back inside the house- Mom told me that the game was on television and I was just sitting there, reading away. I think the least I could have done was smile and wave like the little penguins in Madagascar.